Foreign Training Opportunities

IIT Kharagpur as an Institute of national repute, has recognized that creating competitive and academically strong graduates alone cannot be its ultimate objective. It is, therefore, one of its premier objectives, to produce students who will demonstrate leadership qualities and will eventually become world leaders in their respective domains. Therefore in order to continue along this trajectory and raise their standards to reach their true potential, students will have to be given the exposure to see, work and experience new places and cultures. International exposure is crucial for a holistic development of an individual and the experience of living and working abroad will be tantamount to this endeavor.

To achieve this goal, International Relations Cell has come up with the Foreign Training Program(FTP). Under this program, IR Cell has initiated the formalization of the foreign training application procedure in collaboration with the Career Development Cell. This will help to streamline and increase the efficiency of the foreign training application procedure at IIT Kharagpur. Moreover it will save the time of students and professors, while giving them a global exposure and research intrinsic experience in their summers.

University of Wollongong(UOW)- :

For research internship students in the period May-July 2017 the students would participate in the Visiting Research Program (VRP), designed for students who wish to obtain research experience or professional or industrial practice with a UOW research team. Securing a UOW academic supervisor requires the student to match their area of study with a research group at UOW, and then submit the relevant application click here

It is recommended that students start their search these pages:

If student requires an assistance in locating a supervisor, the university can provide assistance through their Research Office.

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev(BGU)- :

The procedure to apply for an internship at BGU will work in the following way: Students would search the BGU website and try to identify the prof. who would act as their advisor for the time they would spend at BGU. 
They submit a formal application to the international office as described in the following link: click here
It is recommended that students start their search here: click here

Université de Montréal- :

Students who wish to do an international internship usually get in touch either first with a department or directly with a professor and verify if an internship is feasible under his/her supervision. Here is the link to the website for information regarding the departments, Faculties and programs : click here
If a professor accepts the internship, then the student can apply for “visiting research student” status. Students will find the information about application and the status on the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies’ website : click here

Technical University of Munich(TUM) – :

The process/ workflow on how to come to TUM for a research internship can be found on this click here
Please note that students need to find a researcher/ TUM professor on their own. A respective Supervision Agreement from a TUM chair is mandatory to submit the application (4 deadlines per year). Health insurance and the administrative fee of currently 117 € per are also mandatory. Unfortunately, accommodation will not be provided by TUM IC, so students have to organize accommodation on their own 
for more info

Hebrew University of Jerusalem :

The details and the available internship positions for the summer of 2016-2017 are click here Also, students can consider their exciting summer science course in the faculty of science .

Technical University of Denmark :
This program is only for researchers in the field of biotechnology at DTU. 
For more information- click here
National Chiao Tung University(NCTU) :

NCTU welcomes outstanding international students to conduct short-term research with their professors. Students need to visit this website for application procedure: click here
As for current Master/PhD students, they're eligible for applying for NCTU Taiwan Elite Internship Program (Scholarship) click here for more info.

Osaka University:

All the procedure of accepting Internship students will be taken care at each administrative office of the field. Since each school has different language/admission requirement and procedures students need to kindly contact to the office of their interest directly. click here
Students can find the researchers/professors information at: click here

For more information contact International Relations Cell, IIT Kharagpur or visit our Facebook page. Write to us at .

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